Everyone has to have a bad job at some point. Which, in the long run, is actually a good thing. I bad job gives you a benchmark, something to strive away from. Working out in the hot sun will make you appreciate that air conditioning, even if your office job is a little boring. Or maybe that office makes you appreciate the outdoors.
Here are stories from the worst jobs people ever had.
Many thanks to all the Redditors who responded. Check out more answers from the source at the end of this article!
1. Housekeeping!
Hotel housekeeping. If it comes out of the human body, I’ve cleaned it up. I started in a by-the-hour motel when I was 14, owned by a woman who didn’t bother with hazardous waste procedure and cleaned up what looked like a murder scene with nothing but bleach and kitchen gloves. I walked into that room, and was absolutely positive that when I pulled the shower curtain open there was going to be a body in the bathtub. Thankfully there wasn’t, just blood everywhere. Owner refused to let me report it, made me clean it, and I didn’t want to get in trouble for bleaching a murder scene at 14 so I never did call the cops.
2. This is a thing???
I sprinkled mud onto potatoes that had already been washed so that they would look freshly dug when they hit the supermarket. Most depressing holiday job I’ve had.
3. All day everyday.
Probably working for a moving company. Everybody dreads moving day, for me that was every day.
4. Amazing.
Dancing Bear.
Wanting to impress my boss, I really hammed it up. I danced, I gestured, I goofed around, I sat on a mother’s lap, I ruffled a father’s hair while he growled “get off me or I’ll stab you”. The boss loved it so much that he made me be the bear every day I worked there.
Which would be great, except it was August, and so hot that the restaurant’s air conditioning broke…
The bear suit hadn’t been washed in the history of the restaurant, so served as a memorial to the sweat of a hundred fallen waiters. Little kids would run headfirst at the bear and headbutt my testicles with depressing regularity. And all it earned me was the disgust of my wait team, who thought I was “goofing off work” by being the bear, since it was clearly easier than carrying two plates of reheated lasagne across the room and refilling drinks.
5. “…shoulder deep blood with your face next to the surface.”
I worked at a slaughterhouse for a little while. They killed steers there but got pork shipped in. The hams came in a gigantic cardboard vat, probably 5′ wide and 4′ deep.
They were heavily waxed on the inside to make them waterproof and had steel banding running around the outside kind of like an old keg or barrel. Once we fished out most of the hams and trimmed them there was always a couple feet of blood at the bottom. As the new guy it was my job to dangle over the edge with a meat hook in one hand fishing for the remaining hams and scraps. Usually it was about an hour in shoulder deep blood with your face next to the surface.
6. Sounds horrifying.
Lifeguard. It was hours upon hours of boredom intermingled with seconds of sheer terror.
7. Granite has to come from somewhere.
Worked in a granite quarry. It was hell on earth.
It was generally 120 in the hole during summer and seemed to always be below freezing in the winter. Swinging a sledgehammer hundreds of times in these conditions is brutal. The only people that the hard physical didn’t phase were two of my coworkers coworkers. These dudes were superhuman. The heat didn’t bother them, they would be wearing long sleeves in June when the temp dipped into the 80’s, they were friggin chilly. I had to make them give me the hammer when it was my turn to pound in the wedges and the foot-spikes, otherwise they would keep the sledgehammer and start down the line again.
Any normal man would be physically exhausted from swinging the sledgehammer dozens of times. Not my coworkers, they were beasts. That goes for the jackhammer too. I laugh when I see one person running one on TV. It takes two people to run them monsters, at least ours did. Enter the supermen.
I would turn my back for one minute then feel the vibrations in the ground that you can feel when the jackhammer is, well, jacking. Turn around and there would be one of them running it by himself, defying the law of physics. That was over 25 years ago. Much respect for these men. For me, however, I was in hell.
8. Ah yes, the classic unpaid internship.
Internship at a public relations firm in college. Was promised agency experience, writing opportunities, and valuable experience.
Turns out what they actually meant was “sitting in a room for 8 hours cold-calling CEOs from an outdated call list and trying to trick them into a sales presentation.”
Might I add, about a month into the job they hired a new intern manager. Drove to work every day from the Cape on his Harley (2+ hours one way), lauded his degree, chain smoked, and DJ’ed on the side at north shore nightclubs. He insisted on sitting in the room with us, for 8 hours to check if we were actually making calls, all while berating us for being poor employees and cheap labor.
On my last day of the internship, he called me into his office and told me “the only reason you are still here is because we didn’t have to pay you. You’ll never be successful like me. You’re not cut out for the business world, if I were you, I would drop out and try to find a trade you’ll succeed in.”
Even as a 19-year old, I knew an idiot when I saw one. I looked him square in the eye and said “you can go f–k yourself” and walked out with the other interns. He then wrote a letter of complaint to my school to try and have my internship credit revoked, but luckily my advisor knew the situation and cut him out.
Dan the DJ, if you’re reading this, I want you to know I took your advice and did my best to never become you.
9. Worst job title ever.
I’ve had crap jobs but nothing compares to this guy that called into a radio contest for worst job titles as his was ‘Chicken butthole remover.’ He stood on the slaughter line and made sure the carcasses were butthole free, if they weren’t he was to fix it.
10. I quit.
Dealer in a casino:
You get to meet some of the worst people on the planet. When people start losing money at your table…several hundred to several thousand at a time…suddenly that fun atmosphere becomes soul-suckingly tense…to the point of “You better hope you’re not walking alone when you’re off tonight”. But…you get to call your pit boss over and say “This patron just threatened me” – boom, booted out of the casino, banned for 6 months to a year and possibility of criminal charges. Sometimes…I got a nice justice boner working there.
I wouldn’t recommend working at a casino as a dealer, its definitely not for everyone. However, if you’re a student and want to make some good money…its a good job…but it comes with a price. I’m sure some other dealers will agree.
If you ever wanted to work wonders for your confidence and have the ability to become a stone when it comes to people being absolute jerks to you – I suggest it. I think back to what skills I’ve gained from my time dealing – I’ve learned to be grateful and when I have a bad day I remind myself that I’m not dealing anymore.
11. Yikes…
Cutting fancy glass for use in mosaics.
A glass cutter is basically a pen, with a small metal wheel on one end, and a metal ball on the other.
Fancy glass is thick, heavy expensive and sharp. The weight, thickness and texture changes drastically. One may be a 3 centimeter smooth green glass sheet, the next may be a textured 5 centimeter piece of orange.
There is NO training.
Glass dust is a thing.
My finger tips were swollen with tiny, shards of glass and I broke much more glass that I was worth.
It was a short gig.
12. I didn’t know that was a job…
Door to Door solar panel salesman for a corrupt home energy company. Nothing better than knocking on someones front door right in the middle of a Patriots game.
13. I love the smell of grinding metal in the morning.
Beginning welder/grinder/laborer/torch guy for a company that had a deal with Waste Management trucks. I’ve been inside the recycle/trash truck fixing the divider sled. Using a torch in there brings out some smells.
Watching the liquid puddles of who knows what boil near where I worked. Also, wondering how much money you’d need to pay someone on a dare before they’d suckle that puddle off the steel, and if they’d even live long enough to crawl out.. To this day when I smell grinding metal I always think of jobs I had that somewhat sucked.
14. BOTH!!??
I worked in an office, entry level job after a career switch.
My boss was a mean woman, never happy, never satisfied, always changing her mind and blaming everyone else.
One day she called me in her office and she gave me 2 projects, and got mad when I was asked her questions about how she wanted them. At the end of the meeting I asked her “Which one of these 2 you need first?”
Her: Both
I thought she misunderstood my question so I repeated “Which one of these 2 you need first?”
Her: Both
“No, really, which one of these 2 you need first?”
Her, at this point she was yelling: “Both, both, both, both, both….”
A few months later I had enough of her crap, and I went to HR to complain about her treatment of the staff.
Of course she had a friend in the HR department and she got wind of it, she called me in her office and she complained to me about me complaining about her, and she told me: “You don’t complain here, you leave.”
That was my clue, I called my headhunter and found myself a new better job, with better pay.
A few years later after I had built my career and I was actually ahead of her in responsibility and position I met her at a conference and she was giving false praise how I was one of the best workers she ever had and then rhetorically asked me why I left (in front of people).
I told her that I had to thank her for my career since she was the one who suggested I left by telling me “You don’t complain here, you leave.”.
She really didn’t like that. LOL.
15. Thank the lord they didn’t take it…
I actually didn’t take the job, but it would have been the worst by far. I applied for a position in an industrial bakery as a “Sanitation Technician.” As advertised, the job would entail disassembling, cleaning, and reassembling equipment, but when I showed up for my “interview” (really an informal orientation) the nice lady told me I would actually be standing at one end of a conveyor belt and given one simple task: To pick up trays of bread coming off the conveyor belt, rotate them 90 degrees, and place them on a different conveyor belt, for the entire duration of my 12-hour overnight shift.
It would’ve nearly doubled my pay, but I just could not do it. I put my little hat back on and went back to rolling burritos. Even in the darkest, most horrible open-to-close days of my time at the burrito restaurant, I would console myself with the thought of that job and how much worse things could be.
16. “Being poor means being willing to do messed up things for tiny bits of money…”
Being poor means being willing to do messed up things for tiny bits of money, so I’ve had more sucky jobs than I can count. But the one that stands out to me most is door-to-door political fundraising/canvassing.
This was back in the early ’90s. The way it worked was you had a clipboard, a pen, a petition, and some envelopes. The whole crew would meet at the office and then pile into the 15-passenger van(s). The supervisors would drive us out to a territory (“turf”) anywhere from 10 min – 2 hours away from the office. Then, they would divide us into pairs and give each pair of canvassers a map marked with the pair’s assigned turf.
If I recall, we started knocking on doors around 3:00 or 4:00 p.m. and kept at it until 8:00. In that time, we were supposed to knock on people’s doors and talk to them about whatever issue we were working on at that point (when I did my brief stint it was nursing home reform legislation). Then, we were supposed to get the occupant to sign our petition and make a contribution (preferably check or charge) on the spot. Our nightly quota was $120.
If you think that people hate having telemarketers call their houses at dinnertime to ask them for money, just imagine how much they love it when those same telemarketers show up unannounced on their front doorsteps.
Between bad weather, vicious dogs, and drug addicts answering the door, people’s pervasive hatred of trespassers and solicitors, and constant fear of being fired for missing my quota, “field canvassing” was definitely one of the worst jobs I’ve ever had.
17. Even the kids are iffy TBH…
I was a Martial Arts instructor in high school (I trained starting as very young so I had my black belt at 13).
I’m a female and the disrespect men in martial arts have for women is nothing compared to the stuff other women give you.
Working with the kids was great but coworkers was crap.
18. I did NOT know that…
Picking Mangoes in Australia, many people are unaware that if you snap off the stalk on a Mango, poisonous sap flys out which makes you blister quite dramatically. Also the best job because of the beautiful scenery.
19. Maybe they were…
Healthcare IT. You have very educated people in a very specific discipline assume that the education is transferrable. News flash it’s not.
The dumbest person I ever interacted with had the motto “relationship over results”. This individual actually believes that as long as people like you it doesn’t matter if you are incompetent. Actually that explains their career… Maybe they were right.