As the speed of our world gets faster and faster, we have come to accept some strange things as ‘normal.’ Here, people share the absurd things our society has become a little too familiar with.
Just take care of your people! Give them what they deserve.
Barack Obama didn’t make the trash trucks run on time. Donald Trump isn’t in charge of putting in a new bike lane or fixing the street-lights in your town. That’s the city council’s job. State legislature and school boards are just as important.
Don’t just vote in presidential elections – stay even slightly read-up on when your local and state elections will be, and vote for the candidates. Many of the people I talked to during this last election didn’t care about the 20 candidates and propositions below the presidential slot on their ballot. And that’s sad.
They can’t even be alone for a few minutes in the car or play alone outside without busybodies reporting it. Just talk to the parents first!
So many people say they have “anxiety” or “OCD” when really they do not. It’s not something you want to have nor is it something to say you have unless you do actually have it.
Everyone is always jumping to the conclusions that suit their world-view.
I admit that I’ve been guilty of that too, and actively detaching from that cycle helped quell my “outrage addiction” a lot.
It basically started once SMS were cheap enough to send them without thinking about it and when everybody had a phone.
Also screw your third round interviews if you’re not paying more than $12/hour.
This Australian girl with suspect story about carrying 5.8kg of cocaine in Colombia, has her family trying to raise $15,000 for their “innocent little girl”.
Honestly, I think it’s incredibly stupid to see employment one place as a long-term option anymore. After a year at one spot, I start looking at other options just in case. My mom and dad think it’s the most selfish thing in the world because “They’re good to you, they keep a roof over your head!”
Sure, but they’ll also fire me because I speak out about about calculating bonuses or lay me off because an investor pulled out, so why wouldn’t I go to other interviews and farm some job offers just in case?
When I first tried online dating years ago I never had this happen and after a date or two a simple “sorry, I don’t think we’re a good fit, best of luck” or something similar was the norm. Now that I’m back to trying online dating, it’s very prevalent to the point of dating someone for over a month and having them just ghost you.
Hasn’t happened to me outside of online dating, so maybe it’s only normal practice online for now, thankfully.
If you make one wrong misstep heaven forbid someone recorded it on the internet, now you’re shamed by several hundred if not thousands of people and if it’s some random bad mistake you made, they all turn against you forever.
Sure, getting trouble and dealing the repercussions for a few weeks or months for doing something shitty or embarrassing is to be expected I guess, but it shouldn’t force kids to be forced to switch schools, or for people to lose jobs over. Suddenly every move you make has potential to be public and the group mentality can follow you forever. In this age, people can never forget.
I’m just applying for a early morning stocker, why do you need my opinion on the state of the world and the meaning of life ?!?
It seems so obvious to me that nobody should ever do this, but yet I see it almost every day.
The “Cash me ousside” girl is a prime example. I’m not really bothered by her as an individual; she acted stupid on national TV, which is very tame compared to what some teens her age do. What I’m bothered by is how the media turned her into a celebrity because of it. She now makes more money off a stupid catchphrase than most people who work hard for an honest living, and she couldn’t have done it without a media absolutely pouncing on it, which they wouldn’t have done if there wasn’t such a high demand to put idiots on TV.
Which are then updated, sometimes months after release to fix them or add what was originally promised.
The need for these fixes and updates should be the exception not the rule.
There was a good century or so, between about 1850 and 1950, when America prided itself on how few man-hours were needed to meet and exceed production goals.
Our average work week went from over 60 hours each week to just 40. And then we just… Stopped. Suddenly, 40 hours was the magic number. Anything below that magic number meant you were just being lazy.
70 years later, we still adhere to that standard.
Then posting it online for some likes or retweets or whatever.
Also driving… Just stop.
“Your job is totally sustainable as long as you also spend all of your leisure time doing another, worse job”
The entitlement these days is disgusting.
Apparently going to the gym isn’t an acceptable answer for what you’re doing with your life…
As far as social media is concerned I’m a ghost. I don’t keep my accounts around for that long, and if I do I delete a ton of posts from certain time periods.
A website viewed on a desktop should not have a hamburger menu.
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