Not everyone works or goes to school.
Here, people reveal what they do with their time if they don’t work or go to school.
1. A healthy inheritance certianly helps.
I’m 27. Thanks to an inheritance, I own my home outright and have enough left over invested which barely sustains me. I supplement this with acting jobs which are few and far between; I do it mostly for pleasure. So, about 80% of my time is spent at home doing whatever I please.
I take pride in keeping my house clean and maintained, learning cooking, practicing archery, creative writing and – of course – thousands of hours of PC games.
Also, my fiancee is studying full-time for her bachelor’s in Computer Science. She’s about to wrap up her second year, and has between one and three more years to go. I support her any way I can, mostly by making home life as stress-free as possible.
So, I’m effectively a househusband. I could not imagine a more pleasant existence for myself. Totally free of burdensome responsibility in my own environment.
2. It’s a partnership.
I’m 40 and have been a stay at home dad for 10 years. When our daughter is at school I do housework, garden, hang out with friends, woodwork, grocery shop, cook etc. I also volunteer as much as I can either at her school or in the community.
3. Unemployment is not necessarily by choice.
After getting laid off about 7 months ago from my engineering gig, I moved back to my home country and small town with my parents. It was supposed to be a temporary move until I got back on my feet.
A lot of my time is spent pumping out applications for jobs in my field. Though there are a surprising number of them, my skills apparently aren’t an appropriate fit.
Barring that, I’ve been getting back into running, doing part-time (really small hours, before dawn) work at the local golf course helping the greens crew. This sustains the gas for the (borrowed) vehicle and any expenses to help cover my parents for what I use.
I’m still hoping this is temporary.
4. It’s not always what it’s cracked up to be.
I’m a 26 year old male with a graphic design degree. I would wake up, go to the gym (free one at the apartment my wife and I rent), shower, eat, apply for jobs, look to see if there are any books I want to audition for, when friend gets online play games with him. I’d occasionally go to a job interview, but… (story continued on the next page…).
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But I would feel worthless, try not to spend any money since only my wife is bringing something in, go grocery shopping, wait for wife to get home so she can tell me I’m not worthless, cook dinner, fight over what to do because I’ve been doing nothing all day and she should get to choose since she is the bread winner, watch tv, eventually go to bed feeling a complete sense of dread that tomorrow may not be different.
My recent stint of unemployment went for almost half a year and…it doesn’t feel good at all. Luckily my wife has been patient with it since those lean months aren’t representative of the whole year. When I do get paid I get paid well enough that it all evens out, but it takes forever to find a new contract (still hoping for full time somewhere).
5. Taking care of your children is still an admirable use of time.
I am a stay-at-home mom, housewife. My husband’s income supports me and our children. It used to be the norm, but it is still very common. It is a good partnership, I think. There are a lot of domestic duties when 4 people live under one roof.
6. “I sustain it by treating it like a job.”
I just graduated college and am writing a novel, which some people definitely see as not working. I had a heap of savings from during my studies and also a girlfriend who is extremely supportive.
On a non-financial note, I sustain it by treating it like a job. I never write at home and I always get up and ready like I’m going to work but instead go to a cafe or library.
7. It’s hard being a caretaker.
I am 28. I have worked a few years at two failed jobs. I am back at my parents because they are in very bad health and I have suffered some health problems from the stress of previous jobs. I mostly take care of my parents and in my downtime I play a PC game or two. I do random side jobs to barely pay the bills. I never thought things would end up like this.
8. Giving some perspective on having a terminal illness.
I’m 28 and live with my mother. I haven’t worked in three years. My mom pays for all of my room and board. For spending money I receive checks from social security. The twist is I’m dying of cancer (story continued on the next page…).
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I had to leave my job that I loved as a sous chief at a fine dinning restaurant because of risk of infection after I had been diagnosed for a year. Now after four years of chemo therapy, radiation, and a bone marrow transplant all of which did nothing to help me and actually did quite a bit of harm. I am too weak, sick, and susceptible to infection that I can’t even get a menial desk job. I absolutely hate it. I feel useless. I have always had a strong work ethic and now feel I contribute nothing to society. My mother is an absolute god send she is there to take me to any medical appointment and supplies all my needs like housing, food, cable. Without her I don’t know what I would do the check I get from SS is nothing and wouldn’t even cover rent let alone any of the medical bills. And I’m lucky I even get that I had actually payed taxes enough before I got sick that I was able to withdraw SS. I had been working since 13 and paying income tax consistently since at least 15. Most of the check goes to paying off medical bills that seem to just never go away and what’s left I’ll get a new video game. My daily life is extremely boring. When I’m feeling healthy enough I may go to the grocery store and get stuff for dinner. I’ll then have to take a break because I’m tired from that small activity. If I’m really feeling good I’ll even make dinner. If it’s been a while since I’ve gotten blood that’s when I feel really bad on those days I’ll look at reddit on the couch and if I get a burst of energy I may play video games. On bad days there’s a good chance I won’t even get out of bed.
9. Sacrificing your career for your partners.
I’m 24, turning 25. I have a Masters and was working until last year. Now I’m a house husband but not by choice. Made a lot of sacrifices in my career but it is probably worth it in the long run since my wife will make way more than what I can make. I enjoy doing house work, and supporting my wife. I especially love cooking but there is so much social stigma around non working husbands it’s pretty crappy.
When I used to work I had no time for life, now all I have is life and no work. There is never a good balance and for some reason the mind gets pretty depressing when people don’t work.
10. Smart investing.
I haven’t worked in over 15 years. Live in a medical state, grow weed, make hash oil and have a sizeable stash of bitcoin I bought when they were $10.
11. A dog is a human’s best friend.
I’m 25. Don’t know if this counts but I can’t work due to disability. So I do some housework, watch TV, play video games and read.
My SO works full time and he recently got me a puppy because he didn’t want me to be lonely.
12. Saving is important.
I’m early 40s. We quit our jobs a year ago and are living off of savings (4% safe withdrawal rate style) (story continued on the next page…).
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Carpool son to school, return home do yoga, head to coffee shop to write for two hours, come home plan stuff like finances, travel, where move to next. Plan some sort of slow cooker meal or not. Pick up son, hang out, homework, read, dinner. I find I need a schedule of times with specific intentions, and time limits for other things.
13. Everyone needs support.
I’m on temporary disability. So I go to the treatment center multiple times a week. To sustain myself, I get some money each month due to my disability and my SO supports me.
14. It can be difficult to find employment after school.
I graduated from university two months ago. I have a master in linguistics but there are no jobs. I live with my parents and I don’t pay rent.
During the day I read, write, do chores, try to help my parents around the house, and look for a job. I also volunteer at a charity shop two days a week.
I honestly feel like crap about it, but try not to dwell on it as it isn’t productive to feel like that at all.
15. Nice parents.
What do I do? Sleep, eat, Netflix, gym.
Who pays for it? Parents. Bless their hearts.
16. Life put on hold.
I recently turned 30. I am currently on disability due to end stage renal failure. I’m awaiting a transplant and took a medical leave from my MA program in curriculum and instruction (teaching digital multimedia and technology) (story continued on the next page…).
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Ideally, based on new blood work and tests I can have a transplant sometime late this fall. However, I’ve been on leave for the past year doing Hemodialysis for 10 months and recently switching to Perotonial Dialysis at home.
So I’m in this state of limbo, unable to finish my program other than read extra materials or follow some lectures but I can’t do the distance learning as I don’t qualify. In my spare time I read quite a bit, play video games, watch movies, writing, and I started working on some stop motion and diorama robot films. I’m also searching for a new puppy.
17. Mental health impacts your ability to hold down a job.
Unemployed 19 year old here. Mental illness is severely impacting my ability to get and keep a job, and would make college difficult if not impossible. Parents are supportive (for now) but it really kind of sucks. Trying to be a freelance artist but it makes nothing.
18. Keeping up to date with studying, just in case.
I have a neurological disorder, and I’m in between a lot of doctors, pain clinics, specialists… I’m not on disability (because I’m under 25) but get an allowance from my government. I’m very lucky to live where I do. I’m also very lucky that my parents have been very supportive this entire time.
I worked so hard in school to maintain my grades despite all the hospitals and doctors and tests and I wanted to do geophysics at Uni, so doing nothing is hell for me. Most days, if I’m not at appointments, I’m trying to learn lots of maths so ‘when I get better and can do geophys’ happens it will be easier; trying to learn a language for the translating work; trying to learn as much programming as I can so that I could maybe work for a friend of mine who owns an IT company. Sort of trying to prepare for a very uncertain future, I guess.
19. Can’t find employment.
I’m unemployed. I live with my girlfriend, who is employed, and her mom. It’s my 3rd month without a job and her mom is kicking us (or just me, it’s not clear) out in 2 weeks. I’ve been applying at places every day for 2 1/2 months; I would have been hired at amazon but my gf got a job before me and I couldn’t make the commute without a car. I have had 3 interviews. I keep calling places until I’m told not to call.
So really I just sit around. My unemployment kicks in in a couple weeks, right on time to pay off my credit card and I’m considering breaking up with my girlfriend and moving back to my home state where a buddy of mine said he’d hook me up with a job and a place to stay.
20. Need a chance.
I’m 25 and i’ve been homeless since March when I lost my job. I never had a college degree, never had the money for college and you’d be surprised how many loans and grants you get rejected for… Maybe that’s just my luck (story continued on the next page…).
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Anyway, what I do is when I wake up is usually take a dip in the canal for a somewhat clean bath, then I drive or push my car to a coffee shop. I use their free wifi to fill out job applications, make calls and usually get nothing back, sometimes the bittersweet lie of “we’ll call you back later today”, then the call never comes and I start to slip back into depression, do small jobs for friends and acquaintances. Mostly landscaping stuff or taxi services.
If I don’t have any jobs lined up or any money and I’m depressed enough to not be completely overcome by shame, I go to the gas station and hold up a sign pretty much begging for money.
Sometimes if I have the gas money to do it I go do stand up comedy so I can feel normal again. Other than that, rinse and repeat…
21. Keep working at it.
I am 20. Just over two months ago my mother passed away and I had to relocate. I am fortunate enough to have had someone who was willing to take me in and temporarily take care of me. With strange circumstances and without a vehicle I haven’t been able to look for work yet but I suspect in the coming months things are going to start to improve. My goal is to have a job before the end of the year, even if it’s just part time. I spend most of my free time programming when I’m here at home, alone.
22. Put in the work so they could have some time off.
I carefully saved by being frugal over 5 years at a 9/hr job to have 6 months off to lazy around, play video games and some outdoors stuff around WI. I’m 28. I paid my own car and student loans off ages ago so it’s the very basics for bills. Rent/electric/internet/cell/beer. Still have plenty of cash to live on and I do live with a roommate.
23. Stay at home parent.
I’m 30 and a stay at home mom. My husband’s salary supports this easily (he is an engineer). I hang out with my three year old and keep her entertained. She goes to preschool and takes a gymnastics class. When she’s in school I either work on chores (cleaning the barn, mowing, dishes, folding laundry) or on my own hobbies (riding my horse, sewing, crocheting).
24. Follow the wind.
I just turned 29 last week. I am also born completely deaf. As a result of this disability, I am under the government’s social security insurance program. I receive approximately $750-800 a month. I have not had a job since dropping out of college, just under ten years now.
I generally bounce around places, because I haven’t found anyone or anything to tether me down to a location. I’m a free spirit, following the wind.