We all dreamed of having an identical twin (or more like a partner-in-crime) as a kid. But what is it about twins that is so fascinating?
One thing is for sure: they have a deep connection that is still beyond our understanding. In this article, 24 twins share the most bizarre experience they had with each other.
[Source can be found at the end of the article]
1. My sister and I are identical. We live about 10miles apart & one night I was experiencing sleep paralysis, during the “dream” she shook me awake and we talked for half an hour before we finally calmly fell asleep. The next morning I woke up and started talking to her while I stood up and realized [cut] she wasn’t ever with me that night, instead she was at her house. Instantly, she calls me at that very moment and told me of a weird dream she had, & how she woke me up from a night terror. This happened recently but a lot of unexplainable things have happened between us throughout the years.
2. My identical twin sister and I showed up at Thanksgiving dinner, after not seeing each other for almost a year, wearing the same clothes. Which we had bought in two different stores, months apart, and in two different countries.
3. I had been in a car accident and my sister called saying she just had a feeling that she should call and see if I was okay. And most recently my sister came over and I asked her how far along she was and she said she just found out that day. Somehow I knew she was pregnant.
4. About 3.5 years ago, my husband and I found out that we were expecting a baby. We were having family over for BBQ and decided to tell everyone then. My husband went in the house with his brother to grab some drinks and his brother revealed that his wife was pregnant. She was just as far along as I was and we discovered that we must have got pregnant during the same week. We had our kids two days apart. It was a little weird.
5. Well, me and my twin sister often think about similar subjects during the day (e.g. a completely random book we read years ago). Also, if one of us is thinking about a specific song, for some reason the other one just listened to it or is currently listening to it. We also have similar thoughts and often say the same thing in unison or think about it at the same time. We also dream the same/similar dreams.
This is quite a list but I hope it answers your question.
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6. With my sister we had the same dream, but from our own perspectives. Like multiplayer dreaming. I knew it because when i told my mom about what i had dreamt she finished off the story. I wish multiplayer dreaming was an actual thing.
7. When I was 9, my identical twin sister and I were sitting on our front lawn right by the road, pitching acorns across into our neighbors yard. We saw a motorcycle coming down the road from very far away and we both looked at each other and said “it’s going to crash.” There was no reason for us to think this but for some reason we were both positive of this fact. We raced onto the porch and grabbed the telephone so we could call for help, and just as we came back out, the motorcycle crashed in the exact spot we had been sitting. We would have been killed had we stayed there. The guy on the bike was ok and was able to drive away. Still can’t explain this weird shared premonition
8. Not a twin but a triplet.
We can point to the direction of each other no matter where we are. Hide and seek is boring as hell because we find each other in minutes.
Its very odd, but has come in handy when we would get lost when we were little in stores! my mom would just say “point to where she is” and we would and she would find them.
9. When my brother and I were around 13 or 14 years old, we had two friends over. We were going to get pizza, mountain dew, and play video games all night. I’m setting up our Xbox in our basement and the song “The Final Countdown” pops into my head. So I start singing “It’s the final countdown, doo-do do do“. For reasons I still can’t explain, my brother started singing it at the exact same time. It wasn’t something we had planned, it just happened. We both started singing the exact same song at the exact same time without any planning. We weren’t even looking at each other. He was doing something with his iPod and I was fumbling around with cables. It was pretty goddamn strange.
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10. When we were young I broke my leg playing hide and seek. So while my parents are with me for some sort of surgery to fix the leg my brother was left with some family friends. Suddenly my brother screamed out in pain. Apparently his leg was cramping. They noted the time, and it was the same exact minute they began cutting in my leg, miles away.
11. My twin sister and I both took Spanish in eighth grade from the same teacher, but we were in different class periods. At the start of every new lesson, we would watch a video introducing what we were about to learn. Our teacher would always ask us if we had any questions after the video finished, and several times I was the only one with a question and when I would ask it, our teacher would turn white and say, “Your sister was the only one with a question last period and it was the exact same question.” It happened about 5 times over the course of the year.
12. When I was in college I had a night terror one night. Those things are terrifying. Next day, my fraternal twin sister calls me up. Said she’d been worrying about me, had woken up in the middle of the night, at the same time I had the nightmare, worried for me and had started praying for me.
Not exactly earth shatteringly weird, but pretty cool that she was that in sync with me. We are not alike at all, by the way. She is much more intuitive than me.
13. My sister and I (2 minutes apart, identical), living 100 miles apart, recently bought each other the same birthday present without any discussion or hints.
When I’m at home, sometimes when my mom and sister are talking I will come downstairs and repeat what she said and vice versa.
Also, random people at my college who I met here and have never met my sister will occasionally call me her name or ask if I have a twin sister. One job I applied to even had her name on their interview list and not mine.
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14. Me and my sister were being given a bath by my mum when were were around 2-3 years old. We both pointed into the top corner of the room. My mum asked “what is it?” And we replied “it’s the lady, she’s smiling” my mum was so scared to turn around.
15. My twin sister and I had both gone into the city but had separated to catch up with different friends. For some reason I got a sudden urge to see her and see if she was ok. I knew exactly where she would be and when I met up with her she was crying because [cut] only a few minutes before she had found out that her good friend had committed suicide.
Oh and I had a dream that she was pregnant with a baby boy the day before I found out she was pregnant with my nephew.
16. My identical sister and I once had the same dream.
We both had a bow and arrow and we both fired the arrows into this weird colourful portal type thing, (although we were on opposite sides, if that makes sense?) It’s almost like the arrow I fired went into my sister’s dream and vise versa, and on the tips of the arrows there was a tarot card for both of us.
I hope this makes sense, but it was bloody weird!
17. So my twin sister and I moved out of our home when we started college, we went to different colleges so we had different schedules everyday. Mind you, I didn’t know her schedule and vice versa.
Well, a week or two after we moved in I got home first and did some cleaning for like a couple of hours. While I was busy being cinderalla, I suddenly had this feeling that I should open the door to our unit, it was just this wave of awareness, not sure how to describe but anyway, I opened the door only to find my sister walking towards our unit trying to find her keys.
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18. There are times when my identical twin and I will be having a conversation or something and I’ll be thinking something like “Her eyeliner is messed up”, but never do any social cues or even pause the conversation, and she’ll stop talking and say “You’re right, I need to fix my eyeliner” and go about it. It happens quite often regarding different things, but we get a bit weirded out every time it does.
19. My twin sister, who is child-free, had morning sickness type illness during my pregnancies (I had none). She also called and asked if I was in labor (I had just started) and said she had pain in her lower back and abdomen.
20. My sister and I were like around five or six when we went to the local football/soccer stadium the first time. We both didn’t really know any names of the players expect for a few. We were sitting in one of the first rows and hadn’t really said anything because everything was so overwhelming.Big thing for us that time. However this famous player of our hometown team was close to our seats and we both yelled his first name at the same time. Our first word since we entered the stadium. “HANS!” Same volume. Same moment. Not even the surname. Just “Hans!”. Still amazes me 15 years later.
21. There was this one time my twin brother started talking to my mother in his sleep while laying next to her in her bed. Not creepy things, but he kept pointing at things and saying “what’s that?” over and over. Meanwhile, I was in the next room, having a dream that I was with mum in a weird foreign room where I couldn’t make anything out…
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22. A year or so ago me brother and I were on a long drive in the middle of the night. His phone was plugged into the aux cord and I wanted to change the song. It was pretty late and with out thinking I grabbed his phone and tried my thumb print. To both of our surprise his phone unlocked, and we proceeded to freak out that we had the same fingerprint. After longer than I’d like to admit of us freaking out I realized that I had put my finger print in when he first got his phone, so basically we’re just retarded. Also we’re not even twins.
23. On multiple occassions, my sister and I have called each other with weird feelings, only to find out that the other was feeling distressed or that something was wrong. In the last few years it’s happened twice when there was an emergency with her oldest daughter. We can generally sense when the other is distressed. Almost 4 years ago my sister and her husband were trying to have a baby and I got pregnant on accident. I miscarried at 9 weeks, which was exactly when my oldest niece was conceived. A few years later I got this weird feeling about pregnancy and took a test, it was negative and in my head I automatically thought “That must mean she’s pregnant”. Called my sister that day and she told me she’d just taken a positive test. I’m very close to my nieces, in a way I almost feel like I carried my niece for a little whIle (not in a crazy way, I know she’s not my kid, but I like to think the universe passed her off to my sister when I got pregnant by mistake). I should fully disclose that we aren’t twins, but we are extremely connected, she basically raised me so our closeness is comparable to mother/daughter I guess.
24. My twin sister and I are weirdly identical, especially for not having lived in the same state for the last 10 years.
There have been several times where we’ve visited one another, and we’re wearing the same outfit. When she came for Christmas, I picked her up at the airport and we had the same jacket, same shirt (in different colors at least) , and same pants on. Her daughter was wearing the same sweatshirt as one of my daughters as well. We’ve bought the same sheets, the same toys for each others kids, the same gift for each other’s birthday.
When my twin sister got pregnant, I knew before she told me. I kept dreaming she had a kid. We were taking on the phone and I jokingly brought up that I thought she was pregnant because of my dreams. She was. She’d only learned a few days before and she and my brother in law were waiting to tell people. We also seem to always know when something big has happened, especially something bad. She knew something was up before I told her I was leaving my ex. I knew something was wrong before she confided in me about some health problems.
Apparently it’s really weird for people who primarily only know/associate with one of us, to see us together. We tend to mirror each others mannerisms and voice. My sisters husband especially gets a bit weirded out because he says the more time we spend together, the less he can tell us apart.