Someone might have all of the money in the world, but that doesn't mean they have all of the class in the world! For some reason, people think they can do whatever they want if they have a certain amount of money. Those people really need to come off of their high horses, because that is almost never the case!
People on Reddit share the most entitled rich person behavior they have ever witnessed. Content has been edited for clarity.
They Scrambled To Find Those Free Items
“I worked at a luxury brand jewelry store. One day, a woman comes in with her husband in a bad mood. She walked right past me when I greeted them. Undeterred, I followed them and continued to make conversation. She started asking questions about things in the cabinet. She bought everything I pointed to without looking at a price tag or batting an eyelid.
This woman bought over $33k in less than 10 minutes. However, once I started gift wrapping everything, she and her husband sat there demanding free things. She threatened not to give us business again unless we produce the best, most expensive freebie we could. The management team literally scrambled to give her a bunch of free stuff. Apparently, $33k isn’t much in luxury retail, but every single one of her visit over the years has been apparently big ticket items, so it adds up.”
He Wouldn’t Sell Them The Bottles For A Good Reason
“When I was a bartender, this guy showed up and asked that I sold him and his friends (five people) all the bubbly I had in stock. I said no, I would sell him two bottles and he could order more after.
I sold him the bottles and went for my smoke break. About 10 minutes later, I saw him and his friend go out in the street carrying as many bottles as they could. They started smashing them on the road, screaming and laughing.
Turns out my coworker agreed to sell them the entire stock and bring the case to their table (in exchange for a nice tip). So here they were, smashing bottles of bubbly, running in and out of the bar to get more.
We manage to stop them and call the cops. But they took their car and ran off before the cop showed up.”
A Poor Way To Treat Waitstaff
“There’s this politician in our area who runs campaigns, and he even has his own shopping franchise. His son is about three years older than me. He wears nearly 15 kilograms worth of gold chain around his neck, as well as a bunch of diamond earrings and rings too.
One time, I saw his son drinking tea at a café with his friends and showing off as usual. When the waiter gave them the bill, the dude literally took off one of his diamond rings and handed it to him. Then he shooed him off like he was some stray animal with real disrespect.
That just made me sick and mad on the spot.”
She Became A True Bridezilla
“I work as a wedding vendor, and I had a client that had rented out one of the most expensive venues in the city. She had designer EVERYTHING, and generally just spent more money on this wedding than what was necessary (who cares if your fake eyelashes are 800 dollars, seriously).
But none of that mattered on the morning of the wedding when her mother showed up wearing the wrong shade of green. This bride spent an hour screaming and crying at her mother, ruining her makeup in the process, and pushing back the schedule for the entire day.
I heard she was fined upwards of the original costs of renting the venues and every vendor had overtime charges as we were forced to stay past midnight. All this drama only to find out later the bride actually never had a job, and her parents paid for everything, and the marriage didn’t last six months.”
They Couldn’t Refuse Her Request
“I once worked in a cellphone department at a retail store, and we were supposed to sell a certain amount of phone insurance plans every day to meet our quota. There was this one lady who just bought four of the latest iPhones for herself and her family. I offered her insurance plans, and she basically said there’s no point because she would just buy new phones if anything happened. This was in 2018, so four new top-of-the-line iPhones were about a grand each.
I tried to push the insurance plans a bit because 4,000 dollars in sales with no insurance or add-ons hurt my numbers, and 4,000 dollars is a huge investment.
So my pitch went along the lines of, ‘What would you do if the phone broke or you cracked the screen?’
She got so irritated that she bought four more phones as replacements just to prove she didn’t need insurance. Then she proceeded to berate my selling skills, and laughed in my face about being a broke college student, working to pay tuition (this had come up in conversation with a coworker, and she overheard). I wouldn’t have been upset about any of this up until this point.
However, after I finished setting up her new phone, she went over to a non-carpeted section of the store and dropped her brand-new phone, shattered the glass screen. Then she came up to me and told me to set up her new one. I felt really disrespected, but I had no choice. I couldn’t refuse the request of a customer who just spent 8,000 dollars at our store. Retail is truly a horrible place.”
They Get Bored With It, And Do What?
“One of my uncles is wealthy, some software he sold or something.
He and his wife replace their furniture every six months. What do they do with the current set? They cut it up, burn it, whatever. I asked them why they do this.
The answer I got was more or less, ‘We replace because we get bored with it, and we can. We destroy it so nobody else can have it.’
I grew up poor. I could not then, and I cannot now, comprehend replacing and destroying thousands of dollars worth of furniture every six months.”
He Was Universally Hated
“I had a buddy in the military that was a trust fund baby. He literally only served as a bullet point on his resume, as he wanted to go the political route. Which is fine, I served for a bullet point but just the amount of care he put into his work ethic was abysmal.
He paid dudes like $1k to take his duty. Multiple times. He had a brand-new Mercedes or BMW or whatever nice European car every few months. I remember he ran out of gas on base and just left his car. Went to the car rental place, rented a car, then drove off base to buy a new one.
Everyone on our team hated him. So much so that my team leader just stuck him in a cave in the middle of Afghanistan when we deployed just so he didn’t make an idiot of himself or get anyone killed.
Last I knew, he was working at the Pentagon. When I went there for work, I saw him and he looked like he was just a secretary or something, but tried to make it seem like he was a bigger deal than he was.
Literally had people calling him, ‘Hey, guy,’ because no one cared to learn his name.
But everything is for resume bullets. He doesn’t care about money. He cares about power.”
She Went Way Over Her Limit
“One of my friends (a female, over 50), whose parents are wealthy, advised her to pick out her birthday gift. The price point they gave her was $1,000. So she goes to QVC and starts ordering things. Clothes, shoes, merchandise; mostly stupid, unnecessary items. She would order a bunch of items, return some, order more things, and then return a portion of that. She was working her way up to her $1,000 (or so she figured in her head.)
This went on for quite some time; purchasing a bunch of items, returning some, purchasing more items. After a month, she had racked up $11,000 in charges. It got to the point that she and QVC couldn’t agree on exactly what she kept, what she had returned, and how much was owed.
QVC finally banned her from ever ordering anything from them…forever! Her parents, particularly her father, were naturally upset with her and finally had to step in and sort out the final charges with QVC. Eventually, her father and QVC settled on an amount, somewhere between $5,000 and $11,000. And QVC reiterated to her father that his daughter would never, ever be able to order from QVC again.”
They Couldn’t Believe She Said No
“A girl I went to school with was not quite all there. Her parents did everything for her, from brushing her hair to driving her daily to go visit her horse at the stables. She is in her 30s now… Her parents are ridiculously wealthy.
One day, her parents phoned up my roommate, who is also a horsey person and was pretty close to this girl. The parents were busy updating their affairs and wanted to name my roommate as her guardian after they pass. She figured they wanted someone with a background in finance to keep her money sorted.
They literally wanted my roommate to take over as a full-time parent to this chick and look after her. They were seriously astounded that my friend said a big nope to them.”
Well, They Definitely Covered Their Share
“I was at a wedding and knew the bride’s family pretty well – not rich at all and saved up for the wedding buffet well in advance. I guess the bride’s mom’s sister (not real sister- but the family that raised her when she was young) was wealthy (not rich, cause that is too poor of a word to describe them), as in money was like toilet paper.
Anyways, the bride and groom had booked a nice buffet at the Ritz – saved and paid upfront. It basically came to about 50 bucks a person. They invited only family and close friends to this buffet. They had everything ready and good to go when her mom’s ‘sister’ showed up with like 5 of her friends.
They ordered a ton of high-end drinks. The bride was mad because they didn’t have the seats, and didn’t want to shell out the money for the extra people and the drinks
The bride’s mom took her to the side of the room, and the next thing you knew, the bride was happy and walked away.
Come to find out the rich ‘sister’ of the mom gave her $6,000 like nothing and said not to worry about the extra costs. This should cover it. Have no idea how much everything cost, but I am pretty sure it was more than the $6,000 the bride got.”
This Girl Sounds Like A Real Peach
“I teach at an international school, and as is the case with many of them, we have some incredibly wealthy, connected locals. Well, during precalculus, we started a topic that fortunately is always relevant: applications of exponential functions and in particular, compound interest.
So I give my spiel, and one very well-off girl isn’t impressed.
‘When are we ever going to use this?’ she rudely asked.
‘Well, what if you need to borrow some money from a friend?’ I asked her, trying to keep my cool.
‘But why would I ever borrow money?’ she asked incredulously.
OK, let me rephrase the power of compound interest in another, exaggerated manner.
‘How about this,’ I said. ‘I’ll give you $50 now, or $100 one week from now.’
‘Of course, I’ll take the money now, why would I wait a week for only $50?’ she scoffed.
This was also the same student who would insult the one student in the class who was on scholarship for being poor.
This is also the student who had an internship, and possibly token career path, working with the UN in dealing with poverty.
Can’t make this stuff up.”
Why Didn’t They Take His Car?
“I used to work for a billionaire, and we would go to lunch once a week at a Subway near our office. He would always load up on salt and pepper packs, napkins, coffee stirrers, etc. It was like he took joy in getting over on the restaurant. He also invited me to a college football game and had me come to his house to meet him beforehand.
The dude had a seven-car garage full of luxury vehicles but insisted that I drive us in my ‘02 Jetta with a cracked windshield (this was around ‘09). He complained about my car on the way to the game, and once we made it into the game, I bought all the snacks for him and his two sons. The seats weren’t even that good.”
An Entire Pizza Oven For That?
“My dad is a carpenter, and one of his clients hired him to build a fully functioning pizza oven into the kitchen of their house. He did. Afterward, while my dad was getting paid, he asked if his family made a lot of homemade pizza.
To which the client responded, ‘No, my wife just ‘needed’ (keyword) somewhere to keep the pizza warm when we order it from Dominos.'”
That’s A Little Suspicious
“I knew a wealthy guy that had the interiors of two jets refurbished. including recovering the leather seats.
He claimed to notice the pitch of the hand stitching on some chairs was different. He blamed this on Cessna having two different craftsmen work on the seats, which was totally unacceptable to him. So he sent the two jets back to Cessna to have the seats all redone by the same person.
This same person bemoaned that the ACA was going to mean his company could no longer cut employees off of medical insurance after they reached a lifetime limit.
The savings his company realized due to kicking sick people off of insurance was almost identical to the cost of the refurbishment of the interior of the two jets, nearly nine seven-digit figures per year.
It was on the day that I learned that the cracks began to appear for me in the conservative rhetoric I had been steeped in my entire life.”
Only $1 Million? How Horrible!
“My (former) best friend of 28 years inherited several million dollars about seven years ago. She’s dating a man who owns his own business and has a net worth of about 20 million. Although they have no plans to marry, most likely they’ll be together as a couple for the rest of their lives.
They both did their wills and my friend, who is child free and has no family, left everything to him. He, however, came from a large family plus he has a son. She became enraged when she learned that he was ‘only’ going to leave her a million dollars in his will.
She called me complaining up a storm several times, and I couldn’t believe it. At that point, I had enough of her and her first-world problems and I backed way off.”
That’s One Way To Save Money
“I’ve seen someone pretend to be poor so no one would ask them for anything. I had a boyfriend whose parents gave him a $2,000/month allowance (besides paying for all of his living expenses, food, insurances, and school). He’d pretend to be broke so no one would ask him for a ride or to split a bill at a restaurant or pay his share for stuff. The absolute audacity!
I also used to work at a rich kid daycare (parents were mostly neurosurgeons and the like). A lot of kids brought designer backpacks and diaper bags. Like, really expensive stuff that would end up covered in crayon and snot. And it didn’t stop the parents from buying a new one for the next week. The older kids would come in with all the latest technology – robot toys that weren’t available in stores, new iPhones, etc. And they were so careless with them all!”
Their Behavior Burned Some Bridges
“I worked on a film with a very famous, Oscar-winning actor who smoked everywhere. Private homes, churches, schools, restaurants- nowhere was safe (it’s illegal to smoke in public buildings here) and he/she smoked non-stop.
A lot of us complained and I was told privately, ‘So-and-so isn’t like the rest of us. They’re allowed to act differently.’
One instance was filming in a hotel after shooting there for the day. This actor sat down in the bar/restaurant and started smoking. He/she was told to stop by management, to which they refused. Then, they offered to pay the restaurant to shut up and let them smoke until they wished to leave. The rest of the patrons progressively left because the smoke smelled horrible.
Well, lo and behold, this behavior burned locations for future films in my city and took a long time to smooth over popular shooting locations.”
A Lot Of Rude Behavior In Los Angeles
“I used to live in Los Angeles, so I have a few stories.
One time, I was at the Bel Air hotel restaurant with my boyfriend to celebrate my 21st birthday. No idea who the couple was, but it was apparent they had a lot of money. She was absolutely stunning, in her early thirties maybe. Throughout dinner, my boyfriend and I could overhear some of their conversation, which was so out there for us. You could tell she was upset and complained for the two hours we were there that the $250,000.00 she received monthly was not enough. She listed all of her expenses and whined the entire dinner. Coming from a middle-class family, that kind of money was just an all-around shock.
I used to go to a spa in Beverly Hills for manis and pedis that Jamie McCourt went to at the time. At the time, she was going through her divorce with Frank McCourt, and the LA Dodgers were on the chopping block as part of the divorce. I would see a lot of A-listers there, but they were always well-behaved, normal, polite people. Jamie McCourt was not. She would always come in on her cell phone (not allowed), and talked so obnoxiously loud everyone could hear the entire conversation. She threw her stuff in someone else’s chair and would order people around. She just didn’t seem to care about anyone but herself. My manicurist said McCourt had gotten someone fired when they asked her to stop using her phone. I remember kind of hoping she would get the short end of the stick in the divorce.
I used to get my hair done at a salon that was incredibly expensive, usually about $750-$1,000. The hair guy was super successful. Owned the salon, had his own line of hair products, and super nice. Anyway, one of the women that married a Kennedy was visiting L.A. and was coming to have her hair done. She parks illegally on the street, walks in, then literally threw her keys at the guy’s head and told him to park it for her.
I don’t know why, but some people just seem to think they own the world.”
It’s One Thing Not To Like It, But That Seems Unnecessay
“A few of my mates from college ended up working for one of the companies that make those giant yachts for billionaires. They’re the type of yacht that’s so big it can’t fit in most harbors around the Mediterranean. So, it comes with multiple smaller boats to ferry people to and from shore. As boats, these yachts are somewhat similar but the interiors are all bespoke and custom-made. They’re also fitted on each one, so the company employs dozens of master craftsmen for everything from woodwork to lighting.
One story I heard was about one of these craftsmen working on the central dining room table. He spent three months building and perfecting it. Once it was finished, they brought in a professional photographer to do a studio shoot of the table to sent to the client. The client didn’t like it so they had to destroy the table (taking further (non-studio) pics for proof), and the craftsman had to start from scratch. They had to do this six times before the client approved of the table.”
This Kid Doesn’t Value Money
“I watched a teenager driving a new, white Rolls-Royce Phantom through the parking lot of the area Asian supermarket. Sounds simple right? Well, he was ‘driving’ at about 25-30 miles per hour over the tall speed bumps along the curb in front of all the stores, slamming the bottom of the car on them.
Sparks were flying, small parts breaking off the bottom and it made a huge terrible sound with each hit. He had his sunglasses on, the windows down, and was laughing maniacally with each hit. He turned around and did it again on the way back and then just headed down the road. I watched the whole thing thinking to myself, Now that’s someone who doesn’t appreciate money.”
Only The Mega Rich Know About This Place
“One of my family members was married to a high roller. They would get flown out every single weekend to a different casino, and be taken care of very well. I got to come one time because it was said family members birthday weekend, and here are some of the things I experienced:
Our hotel ‘room’ was a straight up mansion. Multiple bedrooms, showers that could fit king-size beds, TVs built into the walls of the bathroom, a theater room (it could seat like 10-12 comfortably, and wasn’t as big as a movie theater screen but still ridiculous), two swimming pools and a jacuzzi on our private outside deck overlooking the plebs that stayed at this hotel. The gift baskets they put in each room had iPods and imported chocolates and fancy cheeses.
This was all to ourselves, and I was told that most people who think they’re renting the best possible suite in Vegas hotels don’t even know these exist because they’re reserved for high rollers and basketball players.
So a few more things that blew my mind that weekend: The high roller was waiting for a table to open up, and played one of those slot machines that cost like $100 to play. He ended up winning like $15,000 from that. Just bored, casually dropping a couple of hundred into a slot machine in less than five minutes and coming out with 15k.
Their son showed up a day later, and you know how hotels have those little bottles of soda in the fridge that are super overpriced, and we all know never to open them? Well, this room had like eight or ten huge bottles of various drinks, and within a day he had opened them all up. He just took a sip or two from each. I guarantee that added like five grand to their bill.
I was offered some bubbly during the birthday celebration, and I passed because I wasn’t much of a drinker.
My sister leans in and goes, ‘It’s a $1,500 bottle of bubbly, you should at least try it.’
Yeah, all pretty crazy.
The most mind-blowing thing to me though was how normal, ordinary people could become so jaded about some of these things. They had extended family there that weekend that I’m not related to, and these people are not wealthy. Three or four kids, middle-class regular jobs, and we had straight up hotel staff waiting on us in our private mansion. Everything was paid for by someone else, and it was like nothing to them. Maybe it was my naive 19-year-old self, but to see people waste food all weekend, not give a thought about anything, treat other humans indifferently when they’re literally waiting on you hand and foot, and then go back to your normal lives after that was the craziest part of it all.”