Love & Light

By now, you have probably heard the tale of Jacqueline Ades and her 65,000 texts. If you haven’t, the short version is that Ades met a man online (Isaac) and after just a couple meetings, decided he was her soulmate and they were meant to stay together forever. The problem was that the man didn’t feel the same way. In fact, he didn’t want anything to do with her. Her response was to bombard the poor guy with 65,000 texts over the course of only one year. Finally, she was arrested and brought up on stalking and harassment charges.
But here’s the thing, they 65,000 texts only scratches the surface of how wild things got. In a rambling, highly entertaining and at times disturbing jailhouse press conference, Jacqueline Ades, told her story and boy us it bizarre. Over the course of the 18-minute interview, Ades manages to connect the Illuminate, the lost continent of Atlantis, Albert Einstein, The Dead Sea, the one dollar bill and Walt Disney. While reporters tried to focus her, it was clear that she wasn’t interested in their questions, rather, she wanted to teach every one her philosophy of the “The Love & The Light,” the number 33 and how religion fits into it all. It was far more entertaining to listen to her ramble than answer the questions.
A link to the video is below.
In The Beginning…

The press conference begins with shackled Jacqueline Ades being led in by police officers and sitting at a small table with a cluster of microphones on it. Immediately things get really weird. After she introduces herself as “Jackie,” she takes the first question, which is a broad, “How did you wind up here,” question. From there, Jackie runs with it.

Ades begins by explaining what brought her to Arizona, “I was following the number 33.” Okay, that’s pretty weird, but in quick search online, you’ll see that the number 33 is used by numerologist and other conspiracy-minded people. For Ades, she felt like she was surrounded by the number 33, so she “asked a physic and she told me that I have the same birth chart as Jesus.” It always gets a little scary when someone starts displaying a messiah complex and right away alarm bells should be going off.
Breaking Down #33

Ades then launched into a bizarre rant that included references to the number 33 — her “left-eye access is 33,” her address in Miami included the number, the GPS coordinates of Sedona, where she had traveled to included it. Then she took another deep breath at took a few questions. Questions like “How did you come meet the man (whom she sent 64K texts to).”
Of course, she doesn’t want to talk about all that, so she gets back on the number 33.
33 Gets Even More Out There

Ades met the victim online. She was looking for you “healing angel” at a bar in Mt. Zion. Utah and after learning that the bartender serving drinks was not, in fact, her healing angel, he was disappointed. The bartender, likely wanting to get her as far away from him as possible, told her to go to Sedona, Arizona.
The number 33 has a whole bunch of meanings, according to Ades. None make much sense, but hey, who are we to question her, she’s obviously thought a lot about them. She breaks it down pretty matter-of-factly. First she declares Sedona the “33rd most spiritual place.” It’s unclear if she means the 33rd in the world or the country or the state or what, but hey, why get bogged down in all that, it’s got the number 33 in it! It must be where she can find her healing angel. Meanwhle, after a few more heavy breathes, Ades reveals that Isaac, the victim happened to text her and ask if she’d ever been to Arizona! “I wasn’t going to meet him unless God throws it in my face,” Ades says, she still not sure. Then she mentions that Isaac tells her that they share a birthday, they both have two brothers named Jacob and David, and both have fathers that are Egyptian Jews. Oh – and they are both vegetarians. Well, this is clearly God doing just that. She was off to Arizona. Isaac also mentions that he “did stuff with the Dead Sea” and according to Ades, the Dead Sea has “33% salt in it.” (ED. note, it’s closer to 34%). Then, she brings it back to the 33, “Walt Disney’s club is called Club 33.” Uh, what? She continues, “The REASON that they are called this, is because Atlantis is inside the earth. The coordinates are ‘3333’” It is, um, unclear what she means by any of that or what Walt Disney has to with any of it. Maybe Mickey Mouse is from Atlantis? Who knows? She does explain that Atlantis is the “soul of the earth.” Ahhh…ok?
A reporter asks about the charges, asking if Ades broke into Isaac’s house. Ades responds, “Ah…em…(sigh)…I’d rather not talk about those things.” The reporter follows up, “What about the text messages?” Ades: “I’d rather not talk about those.” There are couple more boring follow-up questions from the reporters, but Ades isn’t interested in answer those.
Ok, good, back to the crazy rambling! Why are the reporters trying to ruin a good thing?
Ades gets back on track, “Loving him (Isaac) selflessly brought this information.” Well, that and the 65K texts, as she explains, “If you just give and never stop giving, even if you don’t receive, you all of a sudden, receive, a lot!” Sooooo she’s “giving” him the gift of 65 thousand texts. You think Isaac thought of them as them as “gifts?” Probably not. A reporter asks, “Did he tell you to stop contacting him?” to which Ades replies, predictably, “I don’t want to talk about that.”
Oh good, let’s get back to the rambling!
They Are Soulmates, Of Course

For a while, she explained that she thought that she had met her soulmate. She figured they would get married and live happily ever after, as soulmates do. Obviously, things went differently. She was then asked if she thought sixty-five thousand was a lot. She replied that she thought it was probably more. She thought 65K was a low estimate!
Finally, a reporter asked her what we’ve all been thinking, “Are you a crazy person?”
“No,” Ades replied, shaking her head. Then she goes on to contradict that immediately, “I’m the person that discovered love.” Not “a” person, “the” person. As though she were the person that discovered the entire concept of love. She continued to ramble, “Einstein discovered the equation to light, it’s E = mc2. To finish that equation, everything we see is made out of light…” She tries to continue but it frustratingly cut off as a reporter tries to bring back on track, but that doesn’t last long and soon she is back to love & light.
It Turns Out, She Thinks Isaac Is Pretty Mean

For a while, she explained that she thought that she had met her soulmate. She figured they would get married and live happily ever after, as soulmates do. Obviously, things went differently. She was then asked if she thought sixty-five thousand was a lot. She replied that she thought it was probably more. She thought 65K was a low estimate!
Finally, a reporter asked her what we’ve all been thinking, “Are you a crazy person?”
“No,” Ades replied, shaking her head. Then she goes on to contradict that immediately, “I’m the person that discovered love.” Not “a” person, “the” person. As though she were the person that discovered the entire concept of love. She continued to ramble, “Einstein discovered the equation to light, it’s E = mc2. To finish that equation, everything we see is made out of light…” She tries to continue but it frustratingly cut off as a reporter tries to bring back on track, but that doesn’t last long and soon she is back to love & light.
“If Isaac wants me in jail, I should be in jail,” Ades said, then continued after being asked why she would accept that, “because I love him and he should know better. He’s the light, I’m the love, he knows what to do, I follow the rules.”
One would think that if she followed the rules, she would have stopped contacted Isaac a long time ago, in fact a reporter then asks if she were released from jail, would she leave him alone, would she and she replies “yeah, if he asked me to,” to which the reporter responds, “he has,” and Ades only says “yeah.” Pretty indecisive about leaving him alone.
She goes on to talk about going home and “spreading the message there” though, what the message is, is pretty unclear.
In The End, It Seems Unlikely She Will Ever Stop

After an awkward silence, a reporter asks if Isaac has been nice to her and she responds with a guffaw and an emphatic “NO! He’s The Meanest Person I’ve Ever Met.”
The natural follow up from the reporter was to ask why Ades continued to text him, the answer from Ades was obvious, “because we’re soulmates. There’s one boy and one girl. There’s one boy thing and one girl thing and it equals 3.3.”
Oh boy, back to the “three” thing.
She goes on, “Instead of zero, we’re only supposed to count to 3.3. One, two, three point three.” Now this is getting crazy again! “So if we counted from one boy thing to one girl thing, it was equal forever.” Uh…ok? What about 3.3? Maybe 3.3 is forever? She definitely believes the number 33 lead her to Isaac and that is bad news for Isaac because it sounds like she’ll never give up.
The press conference continues for a few more minutes, wrapping up more of the details about how she ended up where she was. In the end, most viewers walkway pretty creeped out and worried for Isaac’s safety. Watch the whole crazy video below.