Whenever something unusual happens, do you ever just think to yourself that the existence of a parallel universe isn't all that far-fetched? No? Just me. That's cool too.
Call it an act of God or a result of the stars aligning but someone or something has got to be responsible for the unexplainable...
Interested in reading more stories? You can find the original source thread at the end of the article.
‘I Stayed Connected To Grandma Right Until The End’

“Sadly, my Grandma passed away on Monday morning in the early hours.
It was somewhat expected as she had been hospitalized for 4 weeks prior due to a serious stroke. Ups and downs followed where we thought she would recover. But the week before her passing we saw significant deterioration.
I received a phone call at exactly 3:00 am from my sister who was with her in hospital.
I and my wife, after a few tearful moments, got dressed and quickly drove to the hospital to be with her.
Now the unexplained incident…
All of my family was sitting around by her bedside when I happened to glance down at my Apple Watch.
‘Higher than normal heart rate detected between 2:30 am and 2:40 am.’
Having checked this, my heart rate had actually TREBLED at some point during this period before return to its regular state.
The unexplained part… I was fast asleep during these times.
The significance of this?
My sister said that she fell asleep at approximately 2:00 am and Gran was fine.
Nurses came in to turn Gran at approximately 2:20 am and left 5 minutes later and Gran was still fine.
My Sister woke up at 2:45 am and thought something was not quite right. She then realized that Gran had passed away.
So at some point between 2:25 am and 2:45, Gran had passed away.
And at some point between 2:30 am and 2:40 am, whilst fast asleep, my heart rate trebled before returning to my regular heart rate which was ~45BPM.
When I looked at it, there were 3 dots and then a long one at the bottom. I suspect the long dot was when I received the phone call.
I like to think, that was my heart feeling the loss of Granny. We were very close.
Now personally, I am in no way religious and find it hard to believe certain parts of this. But I felt this was very strange and I do like the thought that my Gran and I had a connection right until the end.”
‘I Was Followed By A Cat’

“I was walking extremely tired after my workout late in the evening when I see a cat waiting for me (you will know why I used the word ‘waiting’).
I am a bit scared of animals and especially animals that are unattended. The cat starts walking with me by my side and I try to shoo away the cat with no luck. I really wanted to run to my home, but I had no energy left.
Then something really unbelievable happens.
The cat walks a bit faster and waits for me at the turn I have to take to get home. As soon as I am near the turn the cat walks in the exact direction to my apartment. It not just walks in the direction, it took the second turn to get to the door of my building.
It really scared the crap out of me. I was not sure if I could open the door and go in cause I thought the cat was going to come in with me.
It turns out that the cat waited outside until I went in.
_Creepy I would say… _”
‘I Have Prescient Dreams’

“Two things.
First, I used to have prescient dreams. Nothing spectacular, just… I’d dream about being in a certain place, eating a specific food, and reading a particular book. And then much later, I’d find myself in the college cafeteria (a week after I enrolled), eating meatloaf (which I hate, but that’s what was being served), and reading a book by a favorite author (the day after it was released), exactly as I dreamed it. Or I’d dream about driving down a wide road in the hilly-plains country, and seeing a weirdly egg-shaped green thing on the road in front of me… and later find myself on the interstate in Iowa, behind a green Volkswagen van, with a green canoe strapped to each side. The dreams were never really significant, but they always came true to important events in my life. The cafeteria thing happened a few weeks before I met my ex (who I was with for 9 years), and the green-van thing happened on the way to meeting someone who shaped my life for decades afterward. I don’t remember my dreams lately, but I still get that feeling of ‘oh, this again’ around major life events.
Second, when I was in my early teens, I was at my grandparents’ house one day. Nothing unusual, my mom worked two jobs, so her parents supervised me after school till she got home. I remember on my way out that day, I was talking to my Grandpa, and he cracked a joke. I looked him in the eye and suddenly felt dizzy and sick, and the world twisted like water running down a drain. I nearly blacked out but managed to squeak out a ‘goodbye’ and went home. It was the last time I saw him. Two days later, he was helping a friend rebuild their garage, but one of the supports buckled and the building collapsed on him. He passed within hours of massive trauma, and we kids were not allowed in his hospital room before he passed.”
‘I Call It: The Knowings’

“Several unexplainable things have happened to me. Once I was up early making bacon and eggs before work. I ate and left for work. Ten hours later I returned to my apartment. I opened the door and the smell of bacon hit me. But something was off, it was a strong smell – not ten hours old. I went into my kitchen where I stood in disbelief for a full minute examining what I was seeing. The pan I used that morning was on the stove grease popping like bacon had just been taken from the pan -the burner was set to medium-high. FOR TEN HOURS. I had no explanation. I was able to even clean the pan and continue to use it – it was not burned. I felt it was a miracle that my place did not catch fire and that I was being protected.
Another incident… I was driving on the freeway to meet a friend for lunch when I had a sudden urge to exit onto another freeway – which I did. I have learned not to doubt these sudden insights and I am always grateful, so it may seem weird but I made the turn. As I reached for my phone to call my friend, I had a ‘knowing’ in my own mind that I needed to get my oil changed. I made the call and asked my friend to pick me up at the garage I would get my oil changed at. When we returned from lunch the man at the garage told me that I had a tire about to come apart and he showed me how the steel belt was showing and a large section of tread had split. He explained I should NOT try to drive home on this tire. I live on the outskirts of town and drive 30 miles home one way at 70 miles per hour on the freeway the whole way. This could have led to a serious accident. And, again, I felt protected.
Another time I had a dream which I didn’t remember until I was sitting in the car the next morning adjusting the rearview mirror. And I said out loud, I had a dream I’m going to get rear-ended today then promptly forgot about it and went on about my day. Then 8 hours later, I was in traffic approaching a busy intersection, when I looked in the rearview mirror and said out loud ‘I’m about to be rear-ended’. And I was. I was hit by a company truck and pushed into the car in front of me. I was very calm because this felt ‘preordained’ like it was supposed to happen. In the coming weeks I saw a chiropractor for neck and back pain, and was referred to a lawyer for costs of medical care. In 3 months time, I received a check for $3000. At the time of the dream, my constant worry was how would I support myself during my upcoming student teaching stint – when you are not allowed to work. I knew I needed at least $3000 to make it through this time. I had no idea where the money would come from! I literally could have made it through my whole 4-year degree and been unable to complete it due to this requirement and I had no plan. But then I had this prophetic dream, but I didn’t know what it had to do with anything. I just stayed calm and watched it play out. And I was stunned when the exact amount I needed came to me with a month to spare.
And the last one I will share was when I had moved into a temporary apartment (owned by a friend) and filed for divorce from my husband of 5 years. To say I was emotional and feeling frazzled is an understatement. I went down to the parking garage to get my car where I always parked it but it wasn’t there. My car had been stolen. I felt the chemical dump you feel coursing through your veins when something intensely horrifying happens to you – my blood ran cold. I was in this apartment to save money for 3 months in order to get a place alone. I could not afford to have my car stolen. I closed my eyes and when I opened them my car was right in front of me, where I always parked it. I know you may be thinking that’s just stress. But no. I had a ‘knowing’ right at that moment that it would happen soon, for REAL, and when it did, do not panic, it will be ok. Cut to a few weeks later when I was living in my new apartment I came out for work and my car was stolen – for real this time.
I knew I had been forewarned, and I knew it was meant to be. I was very calm. In the coming days and weeks I was able to get a much newer used car, for a good price. I am the type who lives small and within my means. I don’t ask for more. I hang onto whatever I have, and have a sense of gratitude for the things I do have, like a car to drive. I am not a person who thinks it’s time for an upgrade. I just don’t do things like that and would not have looked for a newer car. I would have driven my old car into the ground. And who knows what that would have led to, it could have died on the freeway causing an accident, it could have needed thousands of dollars in repairs and out of panic I would have paid good money to fix an old heap, who knows, but I do know that I would not have thought to upgrade. And yet I was forced to.
I’m not sure what I was saved from, maybe whoever looks out for me just wanted to give me something better. But another thing I learned from that experience in the parking garage is this – God – or whoever you believe in – can make things appear and disappear. So now, when I accidentally sleep with the garage door open (which opens into my whole house) I don’t beat myself up. I know that I am protected. If bad-intentioned-guys are cruising around the neighborhood looking for a place to break into I now know God can make my house invisible to the bad guy – I have experienced it and I truly believe it. If I leave money out in the open in front of thieves, I don’t worry because God can make them not see it. I know this happens.
I come from a very dysfunctional upbringing and consider myself an orphan. Maybe that rough beginning is why I get so many special insights, as a reward for enduring perhaps? Or maybe we all get them and some just choose to ignore the voice.”
‘I Think I Was Hypnotized’

“I’ve had a fairly serious issue with biting my nails since I was a kid. It was bad. I’d always have painful tears on the sides and base of my nails and would bite them so short they’d bleed.
Then, at 2016’s Burning Man, I met a totally normal-seeming girl around my age while sitting on a sculpture. We got to talking and somehow the conversation lead to, ‘what do you really want’ or ‘need’ in not so many words. It’s kind of a foggy memory. Anyhow I said, without hesitation, ‘to stop biting my nails.’
She looked at me really nonchalant and was just like. ‘That’s no problem. I can make that happen.’ And I just kind of laughed and was like, ‘What?’ Then, just like a normal conversation you’d have with anyone about anything she told me something to the tune of, ‘Yeah. Done. Most people want money or impossible stuff but I can do this. It’s done.’
I remember just laughing it off, and I don’t remember anything else remarkable about the short conversation but guess what – I honestly have not bit my nails ever again since that day. I can’t explain how or why. It’s been over a year. A few times I even tried and can’t. It feels impossible to do, kinda like punching yourself full force in the face, it’s like my body will not let me.
Maybe she hypnotized me or something. Whatever happened, even if it’s just in my own head, this instant dropping of my worst habit I’d suffered from my whole life is something I just can’t explain.”
‘What Happened To Me And Ann On The Road?’

“It happened to us back in 2005. For the longest time, something kept me from speaking a word about it to anyone. It wasn’t that I didn’t think anyone would believe us. It just felt uncomfortable to formulate the words or to think about the incident, even quietly to myself. But time has weakened an overwhelming urge to keep the details secret. The one thing you must know upfront is that this story is absolutely 100%, unreservedly TRUE.
But first, a little backstory, so you know how we ended up on that road…
I used to show dogs. People paid me to take their furry babies into a ring to be judged on confirmation. I made sure these dogs had normal lives at home and experienced all the fun and freedom any canine companion should, but I was paid generous sums to train, groom, and put these dogs on display. Eventually, I stopped showing dogs for other people and instead, began showing my own dogs in more active sports such as agility and flyball.
The dogs loved it! They didn’t care if they won a ribbon or gained fame in the ring… they had a blast spending time with me and running like the dickens over obstacles, through tunnels, and after a high speed tennis ball. It was during this time a friend and fellow dog trainer asked to join me with her own dogs and we began traveling to compete and enjoy these activities together. For the sake of the story, I’ll call her Ann.
In 2005, Ann and I decided to participate in an agility showdown in Orange County. It was a Sunday morning and our ring time was early – 8:30 a.m. With traffic it was about about 90 minutes away, add on some time to set up and exercise the dogs prior to the ring, so we decided to leave Venice Beach at 6:30 a.m.
We had a great time driving down to a beautiful park behind the Orange Curtain. We spent a few hours, participated in the show, then decided to head back to Los Angeles around noon, before the real heat kicked in. I remember packing up our gear, bowls, ex-pens (exercise playpens), treat bags, lawn chairs, water bottles, and more. At 12:20 p.m., we were sitting in her Ford Explorer, with Ann behind the wheel, both of us making predictions about the traffic we might endure en route home.
At 12:28 p.m., we pulled out of a McDonald’s drive-thru located just between the park and the freeway entrance cause Ann wanted a coke and I a super-sized serving of coffee. It couldn’t have been more than one minute later that we drove up the ramp to enter onto the freeway heading for Santa Monica, Venice Beach.
Ann asked if I was available for another agility show coming up in a few weeks, but I was going to be on set that weekend with the very dog I had shown that morning, ‘Duncan MacLeod’, a rat terrier. The film was a short called, ‘Cojones’, in which Duncan was playing a snarling neighborhood menace. I launched into telling Ann about the film shoot, it couldn’t have been more than five or ten minutes into our 90-minute ride when…
Suddenly, it was EVENING.
We were at least three exits past our Venice Beach destination, somewhere around El Segundo. The sun was setting and a blue haze clouded the air. I heard myself finish the sentence I had started just after 12:30 p.m.
‘…So, we’re shooting both Saturday and Sunday, somewhere down… town…’ as my voice trailed off.
I fell silent. I realized Ann was staring ahead through the windshield, her mouth agape. She was motionless… perplexed. I sat there confused. A feeling enveloped me like everything was out of place. The Explorer was running, stopped dead at a corner. There were no cars around us, nor pedestrians. It was a three-way stop – you could make a right or left. I watched Ann for a long while. She was leaning close to the wheel, almost as if she were having difficulty seeing something up ahead (which would have been the blank, stucco side wall of the market, no more than 25 feet away). I glanced back at the dogs – they were sound asleep, in their crates, on their sides. I watched them breathe for a few seconds before looking at our surroundings. The air was oddly still.
‘Ann, what just happened?’, I asked.
Ann whispered, ‘I don’t know.’
It had been 7 hours since our last known memory. I woke from… SOMETHING, finishing a 7-hour old sentence in mid-stream. There had been no flash of light, no sound, no lightning strike, no remembered interactions, friend nor foe. The dogs seemed unharmed. We were unharmed. Both of us had experienced the very same unexplainable ‘thing’.
We were silent the entire ride home. Ann put the car in drive and rolled away from the stop sign. She dropped me off at my door 15-minutes later. In silence, I unloaded my dog and equipment. Neither one of us spoke about it. There was an overwhelming urge to not discuss it. I felt a burning curiosity within me, but I couldn’t bring myself to utter a word, and I’m pretty sure it was the same for Ann. Our goodbye was a simple, subtle nod, as we parted ways moving in what felt like slow motion. We had been friends for some time, yet we really spoke very little after that, quickly drifting apart, never to speak again. It was a mutual thing between us, which we neither questioned nor attempted to stop. I’ve looked her up on Facebook, but never hit that friend button. I have a gut feeling she’s done the same.
To this day, I have no idea what happened to us heading back from the dog show in 2005. 7 hours of lost time. I can’t speak for Ann, but I am neither a believer, nor disbeliever, of aliens, other dimensions, and parallel universes.
What happened to Ann and me on that road?”
‘I’ve Been Here Before!’

“At about 8-years-old, I had a very strange case of déjà vu…
While on a family holiday in France, we had a day trip to a nearby town that had a large cathedral that my parents wanted to visit. We drove in and parked opposite said cathedral and suddenly when I got out of the car I blurted out ‘I’ve been here before!’
This got some very strange comments, particularly from my brother, but we proceeded to look around the town as planned. For me, it got weirder. I knew we had never visited this place before, yet I recognized everything, even knowing where signs to the public toilets were without looking. This really confused my brother, who was seemingly both enjoying and slightly freaking out at how I could predict where my parents wanted to go in a minute and exactly what we could see there.
This continued for a while, with me being sure I knew the place but with no way of explaining it. Eventually I remembered a dream that, until then, I had completely ignored that was precisely based where we were and doing the same things. Stranger still, it was a dream from at least 3 years earlier and yet I happened to remember it.
It became clear to me that originally it was a dream, as after a while the next thing I could ‘predict’ was that I was about to be chased down a steep flight of steps leading to a river, and (thankfully) that did not happen at all.”
Points are edited for clarity.