When most people think of children, laughter and happiness usually come to mind. Unfortunately, these children are no laughing matter. Some of these Satan-spawn demons have come straight from the depths of the underworld to wreak havoc on the rest of the world. Their antics and clever tactics are not child-like at all, and they are deserving of an indefinite timeout.
Quite The Career Choice

“I interviewed an elementary student about what he wanted to be when he grows up. He said a serial killer. Alarming, but I just responded that wouldn’t work out very well. ‘What about a job?’ So he says he wants to be a police officer. And it’s an interview so I ask him why? Does he want to keep people safe?
He told me he wants to use a weapon. That’s all… I hope he doesn’t make it.”
What The Fork?

“When my little sister was about 5, I genuinely thought she was a psychopath (still not sure she isn’t). Our dad got home from work to find her play fighting with my little brother, and when he walks over to poke her in the ribs and tell her to stop trying to beat my brother up, she runs full-pelt to the kitchen, grabs a fork, runs back and stabs him in the arm. Not a soft jab, not even just a forceful jab, but a stab so hard that when she lets go, the fork stays upright in his arm. My mom just comes into the kitchen to see this and says, ‘Whoa, don’t you think you should say sorry to dad?’ Her reaction? She just laughs at them both and runs back to continue fighting our little brother. Still not entirely convinced she isn’t a psychopath to this day.”
Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk

“I work with emotionally disturbed kids, so I see a lot of evil stuff go down.
My worst one was when a kid grabbed a 3/4 full carton of milk at lunch and peed in it to fill it up. He then, calm as anything, yelled for the principal to come out. As soon as he walked out of his office door, the kid threw the milk/pee all over him. The principal was wearing a down jacket and I’ll never forget the milky pee soaking into it, covering his face and hair.
It was my first week working in this sort of environment, so I hadn’t reached the point where I’d normalized it, and was so beyond horrified. Honestly, the calm, creepy manner he did it with, and the joy he got, makes this situation stick out.
At the same school, a kid pulled a rat out of a rat trap and cut it up with a sharp rock.
We took the kids to the park and one of them found a frog under a rock and set it on fire. As you do.”
They Really Butchered That Interview

“I was a careers advisor and a kid told me he wanted to do a butchery apprenticeship, so I started discussing options with him and found him some vacancies to apply for. We set a meeting to start filling in application forms the week after. 5 minutes after he left, his teacher came in and said I shouldn’t help him find a butchery apprenticeship because he had already killed a bunch of small animals, ranging from a hedgehog to his own dog and was openly on the look out for a horse to skin. He had also asked her what would happen if he stabbed her in the neck with a compass. So teaching him cutting skills was not a good idea. The kid was tall, built, and powerful. Eek.”
Won’t See That Side Of The Family For Awhile

“A couple of weeks back, I saw my nephew for the first time in ages. My wife and I had kept our distance because he was pure evil, but it had been so long we felt we had to make the effort and go visit my sister.
Well, the little 5 year old twit was now next level evil. Screaming at his mom, throwing things at the furniture (my parents furniture by the way, they were visiting) kicking their cat, shouting over the top of us if we tried to calm him down. He flipping shouted until he was red with rage, veins popping, and stormed off upstairs after we said he couldn’t play in the garden because it was night time. My sister was at the bottom of the stairs and I saw her and thought she would be upset. I looked at her and asked if she was alright and she just sighed ‘yeah’ as though it was the most normal thing in the world. I asked if she wanted me to go and talk to him so I went upstairs and he’d shut himself in my parents room and was leaning against the door so I couldn’t get in. Obviously being an adult I just forced the door open, he ran to a corner of the room and I calmly went over to him and made the mistake of getting on my knees to be at his level, and the little garbage bag just punched me square in the face. I couldn’t believe it. I just got up and went downstairs and said to my wife ‘come on, we are going’ and my sister kind of just said ‘ok thats fair.’
We had been there maybe 30 minutes in total. I don’t think we will be visiting for another year or two at least!”
Never Leave Your Top Down

“I was at a sleepover in middle school where this happened but I did not participate in the truly bad parts of the story because, fortunately, my pre-teen conscience was decently developed. My friends were your stereotypical ‘cool’ 12-year-old girls, and they decided it’d be fun to sneak out and walk around the neighborhood. While on our midnight stroll, we came across a very nice convertible whose owner had left the top down. Well, they decided it’d be fun to prank the car. I said I had to be up early for some extracurricular activities and went back to my friend’s house because my parents were strict as heck and I didn’t want to get in trouble for trashing someone’s car. I found out the next day that they’d tossed bottles of urine inside. I didn’t ask if the bottles were open or closed because I didn’t want to know, but I still feel guilty to this day for not trying to stop them. Karma got me for my silence, though, because after I got my first car, someone smashed the heck out of it in a parking lot and didn’t leave a note.”
Kids Do The Darndest Things

“I used to attend a weekly board game club and some of the kids that showed up there were pretty wild.
This one little girl (about 11-13 I think) in particular was a notorious cheat, and was usually up to no good.
Anyway, she comes up to me with her phone out and starts recording me because I was singing a song (and kind of failing at it). She says she’s gonna put it on YouTube. I tell her no, I don’t want a video of me singing badly on YouTube. Well, she persists and says she’s gonna upload it anyway. Knowing the whole thing was a joke, I start saying that I’ll take her to court if she uses my likeness without consent. She caves and wanders off for a bit.
She comes back a few minutes later, still recording me. She asks, ‘Hey the sky is blue right now, isn’t it?’
Without thinking, I reply, ‘Yes, it is.’
She wanders off again.
About 20 minutes later, she comes back and says she’s gonna upload me singing again, because I gave her consent. Obviously I didn’t. Then she shows me the video she had been working on for the last while.
Her: ‘Hey, is it ok if I upload this video of you singing?’
Me: ‘Yes, it is.’
Her: ‘Ok thanks’
I was at a loss for words. Her parents wouldn’t let her actually upload it. She dropped it after that.”
What Did The Frogs Ever Do To Him?

“When I was younger, I got invited to spend the day with a friend and her family at her farm. They had just bought it, and the parents couldn’t keep their kids entertained while they were fixing up the place, so I was brought along. I didn’t know them super well, and I wasn’t great friends with the girl or anything, but I don’t think she had many friends, so I got invited anyways. My friend had a little brother who after a while of seeing horses and playing tag suggested we go catch some frogs and toads. I thought that was great fun. So we all did. And then after we put them in a little area (at least 9 or 10 of them) the younger brother brings out two long, twisty metal poles. He takes a frog out and sets it down, and happily smashes his metal pole into the frog, impaling it. I was shocked thinking ‘did that really just happen?!’ I was a really sensitive kid so I started crying and begging him to stop hurting the animals. He told me there was an extra pole if anyone else wanted to impale frogs also. His sister told me he does this all the time and tried to calm me down, but it didn’t help because the whole time she was trying to soothe me, he kept choosing the next frog and smashing it. I tried to get the frogs to set them free, but he wouldn’t let me. Eventually I ran a little ways away. I didn’t want to be around her brother for the rest of the day. I was too scared or embarrassed to call my mom and ask her to pick me up, so I spent the whole day there really uncomfortable and kind of sad.”
The Youngest Was By Bar The Most Dangerous

“I did childcare for a family with 3 kids; a girl who was 10 and two boys who were around 8 and 5.
The youngest boy was a demon, to be honest. He was just mean. He’d hurt his siblings and me (obviously a 5 year old doesn’t cause much damage but he’d dig his nails into you, pull your hair, etc). He’d find it funny. He was also kind of manipulative and knew he could get away with anything, and seemed to play on that. He was extremely angelic-looking – blonde hair and blue eyes and cherubic face. But he was a loser.
One winter evening, I picked the three kids up after some school performance and went to the local cafe (it seemed all the parents were going there to socialize, and we were all being picked up by the family’s mom). So I was chatting at one of the tables with the parents while the kids played around – there were probably 15 kids of varying ages running around causing havoc.
Suddenly, I hear a scream of pain – quite obviously a different noise to the normal yelling and shrieking. I was too far away to see what had happened but got a horrible feeling in my stomach. Then, one of the siblings ran up to me and told me what had happened. Apparently the demon boy had grabbed the hands of another kid and pressed them against the boiling hot radiator, holding them there while the kid screamed.
I ran over there and berated him (the mother had already got to her own child) and he showed not one ounce of guilt or remorse. He was smiling when I ordered him to apologize to the other boy.”
I Wonder Where He Gets It From

“My younger brother is a psychopath. We are 13 years apart. When I was very pregnant with my second child, he tried to drop kick me in the stomach and said he wanted to kill my baby. He was mad because I wouldn’t let him play a video game.
Another time when he was around 6 or 7, he took a baseball bat and jumped on the neighbor’s car hood and started bashing it on the hood and roof making dents. The neighbor came out, horrified, and when he yelled at my brother, my mom came out and threatened to whoop the neighbor’s behind. My mom is part of the reason my brother is such a demon. He’s 17 now and I’m sure he will end up in prison some day.
I actually have a restraining order against him. The last time I saw him was when I was picking up some stuff of mine from my mom’s house, and he didn’t want me to take back my PS4 so he grabbed a broom and started beating me with the handle until I had welts. All this in front of my 5 and 2 year old sons. I called the cops. He went to jail overnight and I got a restraining order. My mom cussed me out for calling the cops. ‘You don’t do that to family. He’s just doing what brothers do. You don’t rat out your own blood.’ I hope the freak gets hit by a bus.”
Mean Girl

“There was this girl I remember from when I was around 10 or 11; she wasn’t the kid that was killing or hurting animals (that I knew of) but I’m fairly certain she was on the path to become an abuser. We can call her Jane.
I was unfortunate enough to develop young, at that time I was in a large C cup. Obviously that’s large for a young kid, and pretty traumatic on it’s own because suddenly you feel like you can’t do anything, feel super self conscious and on edge because of simply not being comfortable in my body. Well, I’m not sure if Jane was aware of how uncomfortable I was but she decided that she was going to focus really hard on me, mostly focusing on my chest. Any chance she got, she would be following me and trying to touch me or just staring at me constantly. Go to the bathroom, there’s Jane staring at me through the stall, once even standing on the toilet of the next stall over to stare at me over the wall while I was in there. Every corner it seemed, she was around. Even when I wasn’t at school, she would follow me around town and just wouldn’t leave me be.
Then comes picture day. There was a shirt I had, that I loved, it was a nice button down, nothing flashy, just something I genuinely enjoyed. Though I was on edge, I constantly tried to ignore the fact that Jane existed and seemed to only exist to make my life worse than it already was.
Waiting in line, checking a little hand mirror and making sure I like how I look, I see the line is moving ahead around a corner. I didn’t think too hard about it, but when I turned the corner there was Jane. She stuck her hand down the front of my collar then ripped her hand down, tearing a bunch of the buttons and leaving me essentially standing topless in front of at least 40 kids in my class. Jane started laughing, which got everyone else laughing, which of course resulted in my bawling my eyes out. I ran out of the auditorium, instantly ran into a teacher. I explained everything to the teacher, the teacher gets Jane. I’m still uncertain on how this part happened but somehow I got suspended for this whole incident, something about what one of Jane’s friends said when they ‘saw what happened’.
For the rest of the time I attended that school (until grade 8), I was constantly teased about being easy and was called a lesbian because of Jane. The worst part about that all for me was that Jane had left at the end of the school year she terrorized me.
I’d say she was the most evil kid I ever met. Close to 20 years later and I’m still super self conscious about my chest with constant body image issues. I just hope Jane either got psychiatric help or was locked away from people for being like that.”
A Grisly End For A Goldfish

“My mom is a teacher and had a very ill student once. One day, he was freaking out so much that he was throwing desks, chairs (impressive for a first grader but I think he might have been held back a few times by that point), so my mom took all the students into the closet for their safety (it was a very old building with a very large coat/storage closet) and then my mom came back out to deal with him. He had calmed down quite a bit by then and my mom knew he had to have done something. My mom had a 20 gallon fish tank in the room and the student told her, ‘Mrs. X if you’re looking for your fish’s head, you won’t find it under that rock.’
He had snatched one of the goldfish out of the tank, bitten off its head, and stuck the head under a rock in the fish tank. I don’t remember what he did with the rest of the body.
Years later, he made up a story of what ‘actually’ happened to the fish and confessed ‘the truth’ to my mom. What he now insisted had happened was that I (like me, typing this right now) had killed my fish at home and I didn’t want to get in trouble so I went to my mom’s school, switched out my fish corpse for one of her live fish, and then blamed the fish death on him.”
Poor Kitty

“I was on vacation in Turkey and there were a couple cats around the hotel. Some stupid kids (between 8-13) were throwing glass at the cats and it really bothered me. I, at the age of 12, told them to stop while trying to impress a girl I met at that hotel. They didn’t listen and kept throwing glass at the poor cats who screamed for help. Out of pure anger, I threw glass at them and the glass shattered right in front of their legs and a couple of them got glass in their legs and feet.
Two hours later, their father turned up and hit me in the face. I told my parents and my mom kicked him where the sun doesn’t shine while my dad was violently arguing with some other guy from their family.
I don’t know how it ended, but we got to stay in the hotel and they were gone the next day.
Don’t you dare hurt animals, especially cats, when I’m around. Or ever for that matter.”
Why Would Anyone Speak To Him Like That?

“I didn’t personally witness it, but last night my roommate told me what had just happened outside of our apartment building. There’s a small natural foods store right next door to our building, run by a very kind Chinese gentleman.
My roommate saw a couple of young girls (10, 11 years old, maybe; definitely too young to be out alone at night, but this is Brooklyn we’re talking about) outside the store, talking loudly about the shop owner. They were saying some shockingly terrible things and my roommate saw the owner getting upset inside, but what was he supposed to do? So my roommate followed these kids down the street and told them off for talking about him that way for no reason other than malice.
The kids had an attitude and one girl actually PUNCHED my roommate in the FACE (she’s okay; it wasn’t too hard of a punch). The shop owner called the cops, but I don’t know what happened or whether they got in any trouble.”
Mess With My Dog, I Mess With You!

“Growing up, there was a very bizarre and angry kid who lived on the street behind where I lived. He was a bit of an antagonist, but unlike most bully situations, the people he was a loser to were losers back (including my brothers and I). Looking back on it now, he was probably abused at home based off the things he did. One story stands out.
It was winter and there was snow and ice all over. I was probably around 10 or 11 at this time. I go out back and hear my first childhood dog yelping. I see this kid throwing ice at my dog. He did not even live in the house behind ours (some elderly, nice couple did) but he was in their backyard throwing ice at my dog, and hitting her. When I saw this, I got my dog inside and my brothers and I chased this kid down to his house. I am not proud of this, but I taught him a lesson. I grabbed a big sheet of ice and smashed it over his head. He bleed a bit from his head, and staggered back into his house screaming and crying. He never messed with my dog again. He only lived in the neighborhood for a few years and then his family moved away. I forget his first name, but hopefully he got help.”
Rocket Frog

“Myself and all the other neighborhood kids used to catch frogs, salamanders, newts, the usual. We even had it down to a ridiculous level in retrospect where one of my friends could perfectly imitate the mating call of a tree frog (sweet girl, grew up pretty weird later on).
Her little brother was a bit crazy, though. We had those Styrofoam rockets from a museum of science where the hollow rocket sat on a plastic cylinder. When you slam down the whole apparatus, the air pressure would shoot the rocket up in the air 20-40 feet or so. Well her little brother stole our frogs one day and put them in the rocket. Cue my friend screaming in horror as she realizes what he’s about to do…
The frogs more or less exploded inside the rocket. We stopped using that rocket.”